Tag Archives: pirate story

What? Something free AGAIN?

Love of a Lioness was the first of my stories that I was really, truly, super DUPER excited about. It went all the way to the quarter finals in the Amazon Breakthrough New Author contest in 2013 – in the top 25 out of 10,000 manuscripts! It’s my favorite and the one I go back and re-read most often, and…oddly…it is the one that I forget to promote!

So, I’ve dusted off the cobwebs and am putting this one out there FOR FREE for the next five days!!

Pick it up while you can, and feel free to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, or wherever you want!

ABNA quarterfinalist, on the Regan’s Best List for Historical Romance Review website, never received less than a 4 star rating. But, hey, don’t take our word for it. Check it out yourself. Adventure, love, history, revenge…it’s all there in

Love of a Lioness!

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What comes next?

Okay – so booted out of the semi-finals, as expected. No biggie. I got a Publishers Weekly review that I consider “good.” Some valid points were made. I agree with some, not all, of them. I do need to go back and edit some more…but then what? Do I self-publish or try to get it seen by some other publishing house?

My issue is this: I believe the writing and story are good and solid. I love my characters and I think the love is intense. I’m just not sure if my story is marketable. It’s a Middle Ages pirate story. I’ve never read anything like it so there aren’t a ton out there. I’m a businesswoman as well as a writer, so I understand bottom lines. I guess what I’m wondering is, if it is not going to make good business sense for a publisher to put my novel out there, why waste the time sending it out to get rejected?

On another subject, what is the difference between an amateur and a professional in the eyes of society? Yes, I know that in their definitions the difference is in making a living off of the thing or not. The word “amateur” has a connotation, though, separate from its literal meaning. When I hear that so-and-so is an amateur songwriter, or an amateur soccer player, I tend to think of it as a polite way of saying that he/she is on the lower-end of the talent scale. Professional = good. Amateur = not good enough.

This drives me crazy because talent should not be measured solely on success. For example, there are a lot of musicians out there (particularly in the pop genre) who are pretty deficient in actual talent. What they have is the look, the marketability. There are a lof ot people functioning in high-pay, high-esteem, high-responsibility positions who got their jobs simply because of who they knew, not because of their talent.

I know several amazing singers who would put any pop icon to shame when  it comes to musicianship, but they don’t sing for a living. Does this make them amateur singers? In my own case, I have a degree in photojournalism. That means I had to study photography as much as writing. In and just after college, I had photos and articles published and earned some cash off of it. I veered away from the career for personal reasons. Am I a professional photographer or an amateur? Dozens of people want me to photograph their families or their weddings, but if I want to charge for it there is an outrage. Why? Because I am not a “professional”? I’m just good enough to spend twelve hours of my day driving, shooting, and editing hundreds of photos.

Same gripe for my writing. True, I’ve never had a book published, though I’ve written five of them. But I have had articles published. I’m not saying that my writing doesn’t have room to grow. It surely does and it always will. It should always be improving, but I have to admit that I stare down my nose at being called an amateur. I don’t understand why we have to qualify a skill at all.

Why can’t we just be writers or singers or photographers or athletes? Why not let our talent (or lack thereof) speak for itself?

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